Sunday, July 6, 2014

Mix It Monthly - Theme sailboats

Here is my art for my online group, AAWA (An Affair With Art) where the theme is Bright Sunny Day and for Mix It Monthly where the theme is sailboats. I had to do 3 4x4s for my online group and they are all similar but just a little different. Here is the one that I liked best because the sailboat is in the middle of the sun. Hope you enjoy seeing it.


Lorraine said...

lovely and calm

PiaRom said...

Sehr süss Nancy! Wie die Sonne ins Meer fällt und das Segelboot küsst! Man kann fast die warme Brise spüren, die das Boot vorantreibt. Ich freue mich sehr, dass Du mit uns segelst wieder bei Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

Joanne Huffman said...

a summer dream!

Rika said...

Beautifil page!

Linda said...

I love this, Nancy. It has such a fairytale feel The lucky recipients are going to treasure these

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

So simple, surreal, dreamlike and lovely!

~*~Patty S said...

Your sailboat painting is really lovely with the sun behind it...
in real life I would be waiting with the camera to try and capture such a perfect shot :-)

sheila 77 said...

Lovely and peaceful and free.